Saturday, September 10, 2011

But what will you (Erin) do?

As I think I have mentioned, one of the main aims of our blog is to answer some of the questions we get from people. One that I have gotten a few times is “So Ryan will be in ministry, but what will you do?” And I think it is a reasonable question for a few reasons.

First, while in Massachusetts (the past 4 yrs) I have worked full-time as a graphic designer and that is my training and background. I enjoy my work and through it God provided for Ryan to get through seminary without additional loans.

Second, Along with this, is the fact that Ryan has two theological degrees and a few years of ministry under his belt, so he has some training and experience, which I haven’t had as much of yet.

Third, honestly it has taken a few years for my personal desire to be involved in ministry to grow. But it has grown. I always knew I would support Ryan in it, but it wasn’t really until maybe 2–3 years ago that God began gently leading me to it as well. I think it began naturally by being involved in our church community. I have come to love spending intentional time with people, serving and helping them to grow in whatever ways I can. And then last summer, during our internship, God gave me even more clarity about my call and a lot of excitement about what is ahead. He has been developing my desires and gifts stateside, in order to prepare me to use them, even more, in France.

But now I guess I should actually answer the question; what I will do in our ministry?
  • Similar to how most believers strive to live their lives, I want to share my faith with people, in word and deed.
  • I have a growing passion to disciple women (mostly one-on-one), to help them grow and mature in their relationship with the Lord and in all their life. I could easily see myself spending a lot of time doing this because it is so important and rewarding.
  • I would like to co-lead small groups and bible studies.
  • I would like to offer hospitality by always having an open home, for meals and time spent with people to be very regular and natural.
  • I will no doubt use my communication and administrative gifts when needed (I know I will always create and design things).
  • And lastly (for now), I want to serve in my neighborhood, somehow working among the “least of these” in some way.
I would like to be involved in any and every way I can, and I’m sure that will look different at various seasons in my life. Also, remember that Ryan and I are just normal people. We have hobbies and interests outside of ministry too. I will probably always have artistic and culinary pursuits, and Ryan will probably always have scholarly and athletic pursuits.

I hope this answers the question. Don’t hesitate to email us more questions if you have one or a dozen.

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