Thursday, March 22, 2012

Our Call to France: Looking Back

We have been on this journey to France for a while. Really, it has been 5 years since God first planted the seed in our hearts to go to France and begin new communities of believers. So, on the journey there have been times when God’s leading is crystal clear and other times of less clarity and more “walking in faith.” January and February were more “walking in faith” months because progress felt stalled. One such night last month, I was reading an old journal when I stumbled upon an entry I thought was share-worthy. I wrote it in May of 2006, a few months into dating Ryan and long before we had discussed going into missions and certainly before the idea of France became a regular discussion. I will jump right in. Earlier that night, I had seen a movie that was set in Paris:

“Sometimes I have real glimpses of God, typically it is in nature, but tonight I had a similar experience with this movie. I felt homesick, but homesick for the city of Paris. I don’t understand it at all, but I feel like God has given me a strange connection to that city. And tonight while watching the movie, I felt like I was there or supposed to be there.”

I was so encouraged and re-energized by this reminder, that God has been preparing both of us for this even longer than I realized. He is and will continue to be in complete control.

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